

dear mr. stylist,
when using fetish gear like latex,
it is supposed to fit.
and is her dress riding up in the back
because she's just come from the toilet..?

the song was a boring as her dress.
let's hope it doesn't affect the baby...

17 year old sex-kittens from the waist down,
40 year old virgins from the waist up.

just another potato-sack.
(and no, you're not diana ross)

jesus christ,
what the hell just exploded?
and what's up with the victorian-style hips??


  1. Anonymous8:02 PM GMT

    ah, mgp... første(?)klasses underholdning hvert år

  2. Anonymous6:33 PM GMT

    I must say, I love your site, and I'm laughing myself to death sometimes. But, Jenny Skavlan has her own, cool style, and she's sewing own clothes and stuff, so don't mess with her, please. And as well; don't watch MGP. It's for girls and per sundnes

  3. Anonymous5:12 PM GMT

    hahaha :)

  4. fyfaen det ser ut som hun første har tredd en søppelsekk over beina å gjort den om til tights

    velvet jentene ser ut som tyrkiske transvesitter på anabole steorider..
